Issue Position: Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

We all know the economy is not good right now. Every day we hear reports on retail sales and unemployment and home prices. These things are all a part of our problem. To fix this we need JOBS. We need to employ people. We need to lower unemployment. We need to put our people back to work. As people go back to work or start to work for the first time they also start to spend money. This leads to...

Stimulation of the Economy

As people go to work, be it for the first time as they enter the workforce or returning from unemployment they will spend money. They might start dinning out more or maybe go to the movies or buy a car or a home or even groceries. These things bring money into the business they buy from. As more people do this the businesses need to hire people to keep up with demand. This brings more workers to the workforce, increasing demand even more.

Savings for government

As people leave the unemployment roles the Government saves money as they no longer pay out unemployment wages and at the same time tax reciepts[sic] increase as people spend more. Sales tax is a large part of what finances government.

Stop the loss of our young

In our communities we have seen our children leave because the is no oppertunity[sic]. There are no jobs. Our communities shrink because of this loss. Less people means less spending. We need to stop this, We need JOBS for our young and our experienced. We need to give them a reason to stay here.

Stop the loss of Businesses

Let's face it, New York is not known as a business friendly state. We need to change this. If we truly want to bring JOBS we need to bring busineese[sic] to creat[sic] those JOBS. We need to enable businesses to grow and create more JOBS. If we can do this, we can turn around our state. We need someone to fight for JOBS. In fact, we need many people to fight for JOBS but it must start somewh[sic]
